Memories of a Moonbird
Memories of a Moonbird
Athena Brensberger, Astronomy Educator and Model
She’s one of the most passionate, smart, and inspiring women you’ll ever meet. Through her social media platform called “Astroathens,” she advocates for science and the arts, and teaches astrophysics in a fun way that makes it enjoyable for everyone.
Her background is in stellar and planetary formations, proto-planetary disks and exo-planetary systems, and in addition to bringing outer space down to earth, she’s also a social media influencer and an international model who’s traveled the world.
She says, “If sharing my story might inspire just one person who may feel torn, stuck, or fearful to pursue a life of uncertainty or an unconditional career path, then I feel as though I’ve begun to make a difference in the future of innovative creators.”
Links for you to explore!
Athena's Website: astroathens.com
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